SOUTHERN HEALTH-SANTÉ SUD Region Humaning is hard
working with clients with trauma

Welcome to the resource page, prepared specifically for he great folks who attended the Southern Health-Santé Sud Region Professional Development Days for Allied Health in La Salle, MB on June 13th.

The pdf of the presentation Carolyn gave in the morning is here: Humaning is hard

The pdf of the presentation Carolyn gave in the first half of the afternoon  is here: “Understanding Trauma”

The pdf of the presentation Carolyn gave in the second half of the afternoon is here: “Working with individuals and communities that live in trauma”

The diagnostic criteria for PTSD is here.

If you’re interested in tasting the wonders of Puffed Wheat Cake, here is the recipe. And be sure to use Roger’s Golden Syrup–a Canadian classic!

A great article to learn more about vagal theory is this one: Polyvagal theory in practice.

To learn more about the psychological distancing feeling of shame, take a look at Dr. Brené Brown’s TED talk, Listening to Shame. 

There are numerous videos, ones that, if I had more time, I would have shown you and ones that support the content below.  Below that are books that I referenced.

"Box breathing"

Self Compassion

Great book to learn about self-compassion as we spoke of on Day 1.

The myth of Normal

Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture

This book is AH-MAZE-ING! It's what I read when I get cynical or brittle and need to get my kindness--get ME back. I highly recommend it to learn and receive compassion. Better yet, get the audio recording. When Gregory Boyle tells me stories, I believe again that we will be OK.
This is a great book for clinicians, but consumers/trauma survivors tend to find it triggering
Very helpful book to develop emotional literacy with a 5 step strategy that is do-able and meaningful
Much of Day 1 of the workshop was based on material out of this book.
Wired for Connection book cover
This is my book--and I just had the audiobook version come out if you want to listen to me on the drive to a home visit! 🙂
Good book for emotional literacy. Explains many feelings. Can be a little overwhelming.
Adverse Childhood experiences toolkit
Adverse Childhood Experiences: A toolkit for practioners
Many, many great resources about self compassion at Kristen Neff's website.