MCC Alberta Retreat
Welcome to the resource page, prepared specifically for the great folks at MCC Alberta who were part of the event on May 23-24, 2023
The pdf of the presentation Carolyn gave on Tuesday afternoon is here. The slides for the Wednesday morning presentation are here. (Unfortunately, the video of Brené Brown are proprietary and I’m not able to post them for you.)
The article from the Harvard Business Review on “6 Causes of Burnout and How to Avoid Them” is here.
For more about the difference between courage and bravery look here.
To recall the story that Carolyn told on Tuesday afternoon, along with the video of how we’re gonna get through post Covid, refer to the article she wrote in the blog section of the website.
To learn more about the psychological distancing feeling of shame, take a look at Dr. Brené Brown’s TED talk, Listening to Shame.
To learn more about BRAVING trust, you can listen to a full podcast, or a quicker version here.
Brené Brown referred to Charles Feltman’s book on trust. The Thin Book of Trust is available here.
Dare to Lead
"Brave Work, Tough Conversations, Whole Hearts" Available in soft cover, hard cover, audio and electronically. Applying the material to the workplace.
Daring Greatly
The good intro book to: "Show up, be seen, live brave"™ Available in all formats.