“Wired for Connection” Audible Version is available!

“Wired for Connection” Audible Version is available!
Pic of smart phone with "Wired for Connection" book loaded on it. with words "start your weekend in epic bookworm fashion"
Available for purchase now--or use an Audible credit!

It is with considerable delight that I announce that the audiobook version of “Wired for Connection is now available on Audible!

This was a labor of love for me. I like trying new things. I don’t knit or crochet but I do like being creative. So, I purchased an online course and got the support I needed to make my own audio book. 

I created a studio in a walk in closet in my office:

Picture of my audio studio
My home studio

And then I got to work!

picture of Carolyn in home studio

I wasn’t sure if I could pull it off. At times it was tedious. The whole sound editing thing was intimidating at first–but I got it after a while. I needed to listen to my own voice for hours on end. That was NOT fun. I don’t think I”m the only person that cringes at how I sound!

I pushed “refresh” a dozen times a day after I submitted it to see if it would be accepted–after about 10 days I found out it had met the standards required and its up!

I’m like a kid at Christmas to know I actually pulled it off.

Here's the thing: Audiobooks are the bomb

When I was a little girl, one of my favorite things to do was color while I was being to. I loved when someone read a story to me. Just. Loved. It.

When I am tired or stressed and the world feels like too much, putting in my ear buds and listening to stories just does it for me. My strength is renewed, my soul is restored and I remember who I am again.

Audiobooks are fantastic, because the authors themselves often read the books. I just love hearing books in the author’s voice. It was important for me to read Wired for Connection for that reason. I want  you to hear it in my voice when you listen.

Another reason I love audiobooks is because life is full. I don’t sit down to read books for hours on end.  It’s great to listen while washing dishes or running errands or folding laundry. It’s sort of the grown up version of coloring and listening except better–stuff gets done!

And the kicker reason for this audiobook–it leaves a legacy. I like to imagine some day my great grandchildren might like to hear stories about their grandparents when they were kids, or wonder what their great-Oma was like and what she thought about as a therapist. What if I can give hope and wisdom to a relative not yet born someday?

Recent reviews:

Overall, this was an incredible book about humans being human and why it’s so vital that we connect to and enrich one another. I found it to be an informative, uplifting, reassuring, and comforting read.

I loved this book. It was like a session with a really great therapist…I am a slow reader and I read this book in a day. It was calming, enlightening, and gave me what we all hope for… hope. I feel lighter after reading it. Also, fans of Brene Brown will LOVE this book.

We learn about the importance of connection and how it plays into guilt & shame and fear & courage. Actual lessons she learned from her clients. Such a wonderful book, I plan on giving my therapist a copy too!

With her rich experience and heartfelt narrative, Klassen offers a unique perspective on the transformative power of relationships. The book dismantles the myth of therapists as infallible guides, revealing them as fellow travelers in the complex journey of life.