SummerBridge MCC Core Truths and a Baker's Dozen of Strategies

define yourself as loved by God. Every other identity is illusion. Brennan Manning

Welcome to the resource page, prepared specifically for the attendees of the Summerbridge Program June 18 2024

The pdf of the presentation Carolyn presented on Wednesday morning is here.  

For more about “work-life balance” vs “work-life integration” look here or here.

Nagoskis’ book on Burnout. Although it says it is specifically written for women, I think, for the most part, it is written for caregivers.

To learn more about the psychological distancing feeling of shame that we speak of on  take a look at Dr. Brené Brown’s TED talk, Listening to Shame. 

Carolyn spoke of 13 strategies for mental health, arising out of the impact of connection and shame on our lives:

The baker's dozen tips for mental health leaders
Discuss with fellow program participants, or spend some time journalling and praying through these strategies
"Box breathing"
To find out more, click the above link
Availble on kindle, in paperback and audiobook version

Dare to Lead

"Brave Work, Tough Conversations, Whole Hearts" Available in soft cover, hard cover, audio and electronically. Applying the material to the workplace.

Daring Greatly

The good intro book to: "Show up, be seen, live brave"™ Available in all formats.

Call to Courage Netflix special
Call to Courage Netflix Special
The website hub of more "Dare to Lead"
We don't have to do all of it alone. We were never meant to.