Pastors Credentialling Orientation: Healthy Church Leadership Boundaries

We don't have to do all of it alone. We were never meant to.

Good Intentions are NOT enough: Frank talk about pastoral vulnerabilities

Welcome to the resource page, prepared especially for the great folks who attended the Pastor’s Credentialing Orientation workshop entitled: Healthy Church Leadership Boundaries. If you are interested in the pdf of  the slides, please know they are available here: “Good Intentions are Not Enough: Frank talk about Pastoral Vulnerabilities”

Helpful resources:  

Bathsheba’s story: Surviving Abuse and Loss Written by Baylor University Deans Diana R. Garland and David E. Garland

Hagar’s Voice: The statement from the victim of Bruxy Cavey’s abuse of power.

To learn more about the psychological distancing feeling of shame, take a look at Dr. Brené Brown’s TED talk, Listening to Shame. 


Additional resources below:

Canadian Fellowship of Christian Spiritual Directors
Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment: This heart is at the core of GRACE’s mission to empower Christian communities to recognize, prevent, and respond to abuse.
Understanding sexual abuse by a church leader or pastor pdf cover MCC logo
Link to a PDF document researched and written by MCC. A great resource from an Anabaptist perspective