Lawy(yer) Strong

Welcome to the resource page, prepared especially for the lawyers who attended the workshop presentation of “Living in a Resilient Way”.

The pdf of the slide deck that was used in the presentation is here.

The article I referred to about Burnout: 6 Causes of Burnout, and How to Avoid them

Self Compassion Resources can be found on Dr. Kristen Neff’s website.

To learn more about the psychological distancing feeling of shame, take a look at Dr. Brené Brown’s TED talk, Listening to Shame. 

To explore more information about The Loneliness Course, check out the website. Sometimes, a person needs a little TLC. 😉 

…last but not least, the video of the TEDx talk I did as well as the breathing gif. ™

Wired for Connection book on lap of woman about to open it.
Wired for Connection book available in paperback, kindle and now audiobook!
An important read to understand the role of head and heart in leadership
Fantastic book on burnout. There is some suggestion it is written for women--that's inaccurate because I think it is helpful if you are a caring human being, regardless of gender
For those of us who need some literacy training when it comes to emotions, this is a super helpful read!