Border Land School Division-PD Day
April 2022

Gritty Grace in a Burned out world Green Grass on charcoal wood

Welcome to the resource page, prepared specifically for the great folks who attended the  presentation of “Gritty Grace for a Burned Out World” at the Borderland School Division’s Professional Development Day, April 22, 2022

The pdf of the presentation is here: Border Land school division April 2022 slides

The article I referred to about Burnout: 6 Causes of Burnout, and How to Avoid them

Self Compassion Resources can be found on Dr. Kristen Neff’s website.

To learn more about the psychological distancing feeling of shame, take a look at Dr. Brené Brown’s TED talk, Listening to Shame. 

…last but not least, the video of the TEDx talk I did as well as the breathing gif.