Thanx for your interest in Rising Strong! Registrations are no longer being accepted. If you’re interested in a future event, email us at and we will let you know of upcoming events!

“If we are brave enough often enough, we will fall; this is the physics of vulnerability.”
Brené Brown
Failing is hard. Falling is hard. It hurts.
Sometimes, a hard fall is beyond one’s control: illness, job layoff, inflation. Sometimes, what felt like our best didn’t work out and we participated in our own demise: a mistake at work, a broken relationship, a choice that just didn’t work out as hoped. Those falls are hard to make sense of–and Rising Strong allows for space to process and work through the pain, with the support of people who are also brave enough to do their own processing.
Rising Strong™ is a course developed out of the research of Dr. Brené Brown. Through a series of videos of Brené Brown, individual experiences, and discussion in a small group, with the facilitation of a certified facilitator, Carolyn Klassen, the material is processed, worked through, and experienced.
Rising Strong™ works through:
The Reckoning. The Rumble. The Revolution.™
This course may be helpful to deal with a fall in your life, recently or in the past, as you seek to become the author of your story. This course is not designed to replace therapy or complete the journey of an experience. Rather, it is designed to move you forward in your life by reckoning and rumbling to move towards a revolution in yourself and in your world. It builds on material in The Daring Way™, but attendance at The Daring Way™ is not a prerequisite to attending Rising Strong™
This current offering of Rising Strong is being planned for May 5-7, 2023
Friday, May 5, 5:30-9pm
Saturday, May 6, 9 am-5 pm, and
Sunday, May 7, 9am- 2:00 pm
Registration forms available here. Please print off, complete and send to contact@carolynklassen
Cost: $450.00 (including applicable taxes) if registered prior to 2 weeks before the course; $495.00 if paid within 2 weeks of the course starting.
Included in the cost are all sessions (with videos by Brené Brown and facilitation by Carolyn Klassen), beverages and nutritious snacks, a beautiful Rising Strong™ workbook, “working supper” on Friday, lunch on Saturday and “working lunch” on Sunday. Call us at 204 275 1045 or complete the form on our contact page to inquire about attending! Class size is limited to ensure seminar participation and individual processing, so please register early to ensure you have a spot.
Once we receive your registration, we will send you all the information you need regarding location etc. It will take place in a home–which past participants tell us is superior to the conference rooms and meetings halls we have used in the past. It is centrally located near bus routes.