Mental Health over here when it’s hard over there.

Mental Health over here when it’s hard over there.

It’s hard for a lot of people over here when there is war over there. Tensions, global conflict, It’s hard to turn away.

First person video, commentary, opinion, conspiracies, inaccuracies and wildly contradictory stories–a person could go down a news vortex and never emerge from the stressful images and stories that can’t be unseen.

For others, this is personal–new Canadians, or those here a couple of generations–this matter. This is amongst your people, on your homeland. These are your relatives. And you are terrified.

And you’re feeling the fear–because when people talk about the news, they have opinions. They take sides. Who is at fault. Who is to blame. And you’re not sure who is safe to talk to. Who is going to speak of your relatives’ lives like they are irrelavant and dispensable. Who is going to dismiss your terror as misplaced?

This is impacting all of us. And for some of us, it is top of mind all day, every day.

We need to hold on to each other. Take care of each other.

I had opportunity to speak with Rachel Lagacé about it on CTV Morning live: