This world is worn out with multiple factors weighing heavy on us all:
- Inflation with gas and food prices rising,
- The ongoing war in Ukraine,
- The cumulative effect of the last years of no travel or being together and the lingering toll of masking and social distancing,
- The background buzz of new variants in pandemic news,
- Political divisiveness
And then, there’s the stuff that impact different people at different times:
- a death in the family
- divorce
- troubled marriage or parent/child relationship
- financial distress
- serious illness–yourself or someone you care about
It’s all hard.
Front line staff wonder why middle managers may not be compassionate–not realizing that everyone is struggling and losing capacity to be caring and connected to the people around them. It hard for us all–how do we connect with courage, compassion and curiosity when we are stressed and exhausted?

With stories, science, and sensitivity, Carolyn holds space for how hard it has been in ways that allow everyone to take a deep breath and name the current realities. Acknowledging “the hard” doesn’t make it go away–but pretending it isn’t there, doesn’t either.
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Viktor E. Frankl
Carolyn creates a space. Somehow, that makes it more possible to show up braver, kinder and ready to face the new challenge.
And listeners can then create a little freedom.
Participants leave with four individualized strategies to better show up for themselves and others.
This is available as a
- 45-50 minute keynote
- a 2-3 hour workshop
- or as a 1-2 day retreat
The content is tailored to address the unique needs of your organization. The longer options of workshops/retreats allow for increasing levels of interaction and debriefing within the group. We are wired for connection–and while in-person presentations are always richest, Carolyn has worked online with groups, using virtual breakout rooms to allow for discussion. Carolyn uses images and videos to enhance the presentation.
September is already quite full and January-Mid February is also not available, but accepting inquiries for fall and winter. Contact us at